Website Download Speed

This topic may sound too technical to deal with, but ignore it at your website’s SEO peril. 

Google measures how long it takes for a website page to download and be visible, and they lower your SEO keyword rankings if it takes a long time. In general, you want your website pages to download in less than 3 seconds. Here are steps you can take to measure and improve your website’s download speed:

First, you can see how long your website pages take to download on this site. Just enter one of your website page’s URL and watch the counter:

If you want to see how Google ranks your website’s download speed, check out this site (and enter one of your website page’s URL). In general, you want a rating of better than 75 (out of 100). This site also shows the high priority fixes you can do to improve your website’s download speed:

If your website is a WordPress site, make sure you have a “cache” plugin. A good one is “W3 Total Cache”. Here are the plugin settings to check –
1. General Settings:
– Browser cache enabled
– Page cache enabled
2. Browser Cache:
– Enable HTTP

Here’s to speed…

by Joe Seidler